System variables

System variables are variables created when adding system events (SysEvents). They are system specific and the events assigned are predefined. They will allow you to access information such as the time, screen brightness or even to set up timers.

Each creation of system variables implies the automatic creation of a " user " variable which will be useful to assign information to the interface.

List of predefined system events :

  • Clock : Access the system time.
  • Timer : Set a timer.
  • Brightness : Access the brightness of the system screen.
  • Web : Perform web queries. (not yet availaible).

How to create a system variable :

  1. Go to the tab "Workspace" (aera 1)
  2. Click on the button "SysEvent" (area 4)
  3. Choose the type of event among the predefined events
  4. Carry out actions according to the type of event

Warning : Depending on the type of event chosen, the elements to be filled in are different.

Clock :

  1. Change the variable name (Id) if needed.
  2. Indicate the refresh period.
  3. Choose the desired format : 
    • %H for hours.
    • %M for minutes.
    • %S for seconds.
  4. Choose the time zone.
  5. Save by clicking on the button "Save".

Timer : 

  1. Change the variable name (Id) if needed.
  2. Indicate the refresh period.
  3. Enter the name of the function you wish to call.
  4. Add a variable (button "+") :
    1. Type the variable name (Name).
    2. Indicate the type of the variable returned by the called function (Type) :
      • Integer (int) : for an integer number.
      • String (char *) : for a character string.
  5. Repeat action 4 as many times as necessary.
  6. Save by clicking on the button "Save".

Brightness :

  1. Change the variable name (Id) if needed.
  2. Indicate the starting value of the variable (between 0 and 255).
  3. Save by clicking on the button "Save".

To modify a system variable, double click on the one you want to modify. If it does not appear, scroll down the list of system events (System Events in the tab "Workspace").

Now that your system variables are created, you have to assign them (voir User Actions).