Note that only the tools relevant to the work context are accessible to the user. We present here the logos of the most used tools.

List of editing tools (Aera 4)

Create an Artboard
Create a rectangle
Create a text field

Group a selection of objects
(not yet available)

Ungroup objects
(not yet available)

Add an animation on one or more objects

Add an action on an object
Show / Hide the editor of the declarative part of the project

Create a system variable

Create a variable

List of connectivity tools (Aera 5)

Display the terminal
Text indicating the connection status with your embedded hardware

Displays consumed/unused memory on your onboard card
(not yet available)

Enable / Disable synchronized work with the embedded board.

IP address of the embedded board

Display the state* of the connection (button: Relaunch Magneto Engine)

* Il existe 3 types d'états :

  • VERT : Connected to the embedded Magneto Engine
  • JAUNE : Connected to hardware
  • ROUGE : No connection